Postmodern Marxian Reality 12/07/2017

We have entered a postmodern nightmare, lies have become “refreshing”, untruths are not to be taken “literally”, “even if it’s true it’s not”, “there’s no such thing” as facts, although, there are “alternative facts”. These are all statements made by followers of Trump, by his apologists. Ironically it is the Right, the reactionaries who have wrapped themselves around the warm comforting arms of Relativism, the relativism they once derided and accused the academic Left of wallowing in. We have entered the world of Jean Baudrillard’s simulacrum, the world of reality TV, of a game show host president, of WWE style campaign rallies, an alternate reality of alternative facts, where the simulation is not just a copy of the real, it has become the real. We have entered a Marxian reality, not of Karl, but of Groucho.

Real Americans 06/04/2023

This is our country not theirs. We are the real Americans” stated a Trump 2020 campaign newsletter [the underline is how it appeared in the newsletter]. The same sentiment was echoed by the Tea Party after the election of Obama with the refain “We want our country back”, i.e. a country without an ‘illegitimate’, Kenyan born, Black president. After Clinton was elected president some Reagan apparatchik claimed that Clinton was an illegitimate president because “the presidency belongs to us”, namely, to us Republicans. “They” believe this is their country, that they are the “real Americans”, therefore they are entitled to control it. This is their justification, their rationale for…

I think electing Republicans is better than electing Democrats. So I drew this map to help foster what I think is better for the country. -North Carolina Rep. David Lewis, who oversaw the drawing of the state’s gerrymandered maps
voter supression laws:
If you took Madison and Milwaukee out of the state election formula we would have a clear majority, we would have all five constitutional officers and we would probably have many more seats in the Legislature. -Robin Vos, Republican Speaker of Wisconsin Statehouse
election denialism:
God Bless President Trump. Real America knows this is all a sham. -Jim Jordan (R-Ohio)

Democrats and the liberal media do a disservice to this reality by claiming that voter suppression is due to racism, not that there isn’t an underlying element of racism, but the primary motivation is the suppression of the Democratic vote.

The Bible on Abortion 06/25/2022

A word to all who believe that the Bible is “the word of God,” there is no prohibition against abortion in the Bible, the Bible says absolutely nothing about abortion, not one word, so, if the Bible is the word of God, then did he just forget? Anti-abortionists claim that the sixth commandment, fifth if you’re Catholic, covers abortion but there are hundreds of enumerated prohibitions applied to other commandments, yet no mention of abortion when it comes the sixth, no prohibition against it is mentioned, and most importantly, that is a theological rationale to what is a secular matter. No matter how much “they” wish it so the Constitution does not establish a theocracy, it purposefully avoids any mention of a ‘god’ or any other diety. Anti-abortionism is patriarchy couched in religious gibberish. It’s not about banning abortion per se, it’s about controlling a woman’s reproductive power, regardless of the stated rationale.

The Updated “Great Replacement” Theory 05/19/2022

Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham et al. have been peddling a sanitized, less antisemitic version of the “great replacement” theory which substitutes Democrats for Jews. This replacement theory claims that Democrats, the “Radical Left,” the godless, anti-family, demonic pedophiles, want to replace white Christian Americans with “more obedient,” less law-abiding immigrants who will vote Democratic. They claim that immigration reform, tied to voting reform, is a “power grab” orchestrated by the Democratic Party to manufacture more Democratic voters.

“Democrats are the problem. They don’t care about crime and want illegal immigrants, no matter how bad they may be, to pour into and infest our Country, like MS-13 . They can’t win on their terrible policies, so they view them as potential voters!”
Donald J. Trump, Twitter, Jun 19, 2018

“The reason that the Democrats have a special interest in the illegals is they want to sort of transform the demographics of America, even though illegals can’t vote, over time, illegals have children, their children are American citizens, they grow up, they can vote.” Dinesh D’Souza, The Ingraham Angle, May 17, 2019

“The Democrats are attempting to pack the electorate itself by importing tens of millions of new voters. They are doing this for one reason, to ensure they have complete control of the United States.” Tucker Carlson, April 8, 2021

“Radical Democrats are planning their most aggressive move yet: a PERMANENT ELECTION INSURRECTION…. Their plan to grant amnesty to 11 MILLION illegal immigrants will overthrow our current electorate and create a permanent liberal majority in Washington.” Elise Stefanik, Facebook Sept. 2021

Buffalo Christofascist terrorist attack 05/17/2022

A crucial factor of the Buffalo Christofascist terrorist attack that is not being addressed, by the politicians or by the media, is the anti-leftist foundation behind the attack. All of the terrorists’ “manifestos”, from Christchurch to El Paso to Buffalo cite Anders Behring Breivik as an inspiration for their attack. Breivik is the Norwegian anti-leftist, anti-socialist, anti-feminist terrorist who massacred 77 of his white Norwegian countryman at a Workers’ Youth League summer camp in 2011. So, why did he kill 77 white, mostly teenage, Norwegians… because they were socialists, he targeted white teenage socialists. This is not meant to ignore or belittle the racial, ethnic, and antisemitic motivation of the Buffalo, Christchurch, El Paso, and Tree of Life Synagogue terrorists but it is easier and less complicated for the media to explain away these mass shootings as racially motivated then to explain, or deal with the more complex foundational anti-leftist motivation behind right-wing terrorist attacks.

The Trumpists have become Lysenkoists 01/12/2022

The Trumpists have become Lysenkoists, ideology has trumped science. How else does one explain their callousness towards watching their own people die of COVID, Stalin would be proud. They deny science not because they’re anti-science per se, they deny the science that doesn’t conform to their wordlview, their regressive reactionary wordlview.

Facebook’s Audience 11/30/2021

The press, the pundits, and I suspect some of you reading this blame Facebook for all the fake news, the conspiracy theories, the disinformation, the “alternative facts”. Facebook certainly has a lot to answer for, their recommendation algorithms are designed to lead the unsuspecting down a path of ever increasing fear and rage, to entice them into unleashing their “monsters from the Id”. But none of those falsehoods, those lies would work if they didn’t have a willing, gullible, persuadable audience, an audience that wants, that needs their ideologically motivated worldview reaffirmed. This is how propaganda works, it relies on people being undiscerning, on them being intellectually lazy, on them being gullible simpleminded ignoramuses.

The Origin of Black Lives Matter 04/30/2019

With all the misinformation, misunderstanding, and histrionics going on about “Black Lives Matter” I thought everybody should be clear as to the origins of the term. It comes from a Facebook post written by Alicia Garza on the day in 2013 that George Zimmerman was acquitted of murdering Trayvon Martin, “I continue to be surprised at how little Black lives matter…” Two of her friends, Opal Tometi and Patrisse Cullors, later came up with the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter telling their friend that Black lives do matter, and the Right, as is their wont, misinterpret it as meaning only Black lives matter.

The Myth of a Liberal Hollywood 12/12/2018

Hollywood sells bourgeois ideology and markets capitalist hegemony. This notion of a liberal Hollywood is a myth created by conservative reactionaries in order to make them seem the victim of what they imagine as a vast “Radical Left” conspiracy to undermine their dearly held reactionary and philistine believes. They’re angry over what they perceive as liberal control of Hollywood, of academia, of the media, of the “deep state”. They’re angry because they have lost the culture wars and all they have to show for it are such cultural luminaries as Kid Rock and Scott “Chachi” Baio, oh ya, and The Piano Guys.

All art is political, whether overt or not, knowingly or unknowingly. What one chooses to “express” and how one chooses to “express” it is an expression of one’s worldview, one’s ideology. Robert Zemeckis’, the most insidiously reactionary director in Hollywood, Forrest Gump is a morality play about ’50s American ‘values’, when America was great, Forrest versus the ’60s Hippie Jenny who, even though she eventually sees the error of her ways and repents, she ultimately pays the price of her unwholesome un-American lifestyle. And then there’s Back to the Future, back to 1950s America yet again, where at the end an ’80s suburban White boy bestows upon Chuck Berry a “new sound”, albeit a somewhat sanitized Black R&B guitar riff.

The “Democrat Party” Epithet 04/22/2018

The matter of the “Democrat Party” epithet which goes back to Joseph McCarthy in the 1950s and Barry Goldwater in the 1960s, was resurrected by Newt Gingrich in the 1980s, and which was then picked up in the 90s by such reactionary luminaries as Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. Then in 2017, after becoming president, Trump started using it, I’m assuming he was to told by one one of his toadies that it was an insult, an “own the Libs” thing, he then gleefully started using it every chance he got. Although the epithet had been around long before Trump it wasn’t until Trump started using it that it became de rigueur amongst the faithful. And the press, out of ignorance or just plain laziness, just quotes them with no correcting or without any acknowledgment of the epithet’s history or meaning. I’m not objecting to the term’s use for any partisan pro-Democratic reason, quite the opposite, the objection is to its historically sordid use by the anti-democratic reactionaries.

Liberal Science 03/07/2017

For years I’ve wondered,
when did science become a “liberal” thing,
and then it dawned on me,
it always has been.

Global Warming Denialism 05/15/2016

Here’s my take on global warming denialism. Just as the Theory of Evolution is a refutation of the Biblical creation (“The contest between evolution and Christianity is a duel to the death. If evolution wins, Christianity goes.” William Jennings Bryan), man-made global warming is a refutation of the “all knowing” Capitalist markets. I realize that the basis for denialism is multifaceted involving Biblical Dominion (Genesis 1:26-28) and capital accumulation (market competition), but there is a more foundational, more existential factor that motivates this reactionary conspiracy-theory laden denialism. And that is, if the Capitalist marketplace works as its disciples say it does then it would have corrected for the threat on its own. So, to accept that Capitalism is destroying the planet one has to acknowledge that capitalist markets do not self-regulate, that the imagined “invisible hand” does not guide the markets for the benefit of society.

Ivanka, Her Father in a Shift Dress 11/16/2015

Ivanka ain’t no innocent, she outright lied about Clinton during the election when she announced her half-assed maternity leave proposal. She claimed that Hillary did not have a maternity leave plan when in actuality Hillary did, and had had one for over a year before Ivanka’s lie, it was on Hillary’s website, if Ivanka hadn’t been too lazy or willful to take the time look. And at the time of her announcement The Trump Organization did not offer paid, or even unpaid maternity leave. And she ain’t no designer either, her company is basically a knock-off company. She is currently being sued by the Italian shoe designer Aquazzura for stealing designs. There are a bunch of designs that she has stolen from them but this is the most notorious…

Notice that the Aquazzura design is more elegant then the clunky Trump version.

Ivanka Is Just Donald Trump in a Shift Dress Erin Gloria Ryan Sep. 27, 2017

Abortion and Capitalism 07/27/2015

Why did the anti-contraceptive, anti-abortion movement suddenly crop up in the 19th century? Could it have been the sudden need for factory workers, the sudden need for a cheap and plentiful labor force?

Why Marx? 04/26/2015

Philosophies fall into either one of two basic worldviews, Idealism or Materialism.

Idealism holds that reality is constructed by the mind independent of a material reality, that only mind (and/or spirit) is real.

Materialism states that there is a material/physical world that is independent of the mind, and that it is knowable through experience and observation.

Marx asserts that yes, there is a knowable material reality, but that reality is mediated by an ideologically constructed, and socially and culturally produced, ‘reality’.

Evolution and Belief 09/23/2011

Asking the question “do you believe in the Theory of Evolution?” is like asking if you believe in the Theory of Gravity. Belief has nothing to do with it, belief is having faith that something is true which is not susceptible to rigorous proof. A scientific theory is a set of tested propositions that can be used to explain and predict a class of phenomena.

Unseasonably Cold 07/24/2011

Isn’t it interesting that when it’s unseasonably cold all you hear from the reactionary propaganda machine (Fox News, Rush Limbaugh et al) is that that is somehow proof that global warming doesn’t exists, but when it’s unseasonably hot you don’t hear a peep from them?